Thursday, April 23, 2015

Time Hop, Liberty University and the Local Church:

If you would've met me in college you would've met a prideful young man who loved the Lord and wanted nothing to do with the church in America; specifically the church in the South. I had seen a lot of abuses by the church and as a college student I used a lot of energy, tweets and Facebook posts to bash the church.

I know this to be true because on my phone I have an app called "Timehop". Timehop's job is to show previous posts and tweets. The app is a lot of fun and most of the time the app brings back great memories; however, every once in a while a post will come up which reminds me of my pride. For example, this past week I saw several posts which said something to the extent of it being a sin to plant a church in America and another which said that it was a sin to stay in America and work in a church.

To understand these posts you must understand that during college my heart was 100% sold out to International Missions (it still is). I was in a culture of religious college students who wanted to sit around all day and debate (to be fair I also like a good debate) instead of taking the Gospel to a lost and dying world and it broke my heart. I took to social media to express my frustration.

When I graduated from college I thought I would marry Julia and we would spend the rest of our lives in India serving the least of these and spreading the supremacy of Christ among all peoples. God had a different plan.

Instead of serving in India, the Lord directed us to Ghana, Africa and instead of serving for life we served for two years. While it was very hard, it was also very rewarding and we do not regret our time overseas. We were only able to serve two years overseas due to student loans. When I realized that our time on the field was coming to an end, I began applying for jobs in the States. I assumed I would return to Liberty University or Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and pursue my PhD while working in the missions department at either school. The Lord had other plans. I applied for every job which was available at either school but the Lord kept shutting the door. During this time I also began sending out resumes to churches in North Carolina.

In God's providence a church (First Baptist Stanleyville in Winston Salem, NC) and a job at Liberty University in their missions department called to schedule an interview around the same time. To be honest my heart was set on LU and I thought the Lord was opening a door. I sent my resume, references and all of my material to both places and waited for a response. The church called for an interview first and as I was driving to my interview I began praying for wisdom and direction.

When I arrived for my interview I was about an hour early so I killed time at the local McDonalds. While killing time I received an email from Liberty University informing me that they had decided to go in another direction with the job in the missions department. I was heartbroken but knew God was going to open another door. I went for my initial interview at the church...everything went well and they called me back for a second interview... after the second interview they offered me the job... I needed time to think and pray.

I spent all weekend thinking, receiving wise counsel and praying. I couldn't understand why God would break my heart for the Nations, and than not allow me to go to the Nations for life. Why He would give me a desire to pursue my PhD, and than shut the door. I could not understand why He would send me to the one place I never wanted to go... a local church in the South. It didn't make any sense. Sometimes it still doesn't make sense.

Well, you know the rest of the story... I accepted the job... traveled up to meet the church... was voted in by the church... and now I have been serving in the church since September and you wanna know what?

Everyday God is growing my heart for the local church; specifically, First Baptist Church of Stanleyville. Sure we have our problems, but what church doesn't? I could not be happier serving as the Minister of Students. I LOVE the teenagers in my youth group and I love working with them. I love the fact that there is no pretenses with them. They will push back, ask questions, express their emotions, cry, laugh, get angry and than be full of joy all in a span of five minutes. I love receiving phone calls at 1:00 am from a teen about a question which was keeping him/her up at night and I love watching them as they begin to "get" it. There is nothing greater than watching the light come on when a teen is able to connect the Bible to their life. At times I find myself walking around the church praying for church members... begging God to bless and grow our church. Every waking moment (no I'm not being dramatic) is spent thinking of ways to improve our church and build it up to be a bright light shinning in the midst of our dark community. My heart is overflowing in love for FBC Stanleyville as I write this post. The potential for us to change the world, reach our community and send out an army of missionaries is unreal. "Greater things have yet to come, Greater things are still to be done in this city."

My job is not clean cut and at times is very messy; however, I love every messy part about my job. I'm incredibly thankful God shut the door to Liberty University and Southeastern... I could not imagine working anywhere other than where I am right now. God is good.

In conclusion, may I encourage everyone reading this post to surrender your life to the Lord. His plan for your life is so much bigger and better than anything you could possibly imagine. God knows what He is doing. Surrender your life to Him and allow Him to lead, guide and direct you. You won't be disappointed. I know I am not.

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