Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I Am Fat:

Hello. My name is T Welch and I am fat.

I woke up this morning, looked in the mirror and realized for the first time in my life that I am fat. I stepped on the scale and was blown away that I now way ten pounds more than when I graduated college. I'm fat. I have eaten too many Dairi-O hot dogs. I have eaten too many plates of fried chicken at church potlucks. I have eaten too many Krispy Kreme donuts donated by church members. I have sat too many hours behind a computer typing blogs and preparing Sunday School lessons. I'm fat.

After realizing that I am physically fat, I sat down this morning to spend time with the Lord. As I was reading through the Book of Isaiah the Lord impressed upon me that I am not only physically fat but I am also spiritually fat. I could not remember the last time I had shared my faith with an unbeliever. I could not even remember the last time I spent time with an unbeliever. I work in a church surrounded by Christians. I visit Christians in the hospital. I listen to Christian sermons. I teach Sunday School and Wednesday nights to rooms filled mostly with Christians. I serve in various ways around the church; however, I am always surrounded by Christians. Sadly, I can not name one friend who is not a Christian. It has been a long time since I sat down with an individual who is not a Christian and shared the Good News of Salvation. I'm fat.

The solution to solve my physical fatness is to watch what I eat, count calories, exercise, and avoid the Dairi-O (except for Sunday nights). I need to become more active. If I am disciplined and watch what I eat I will be able to lose weight.

The same solution is true for my spiritual fatness. I need to make it a priority to share my faith with individuals who do not know Jesus Christ. I need to make it a priority to reach out to my neighbors and share the Gospel with them. I need to do the hard work of crossing the street and interacting with individuals who need to hear the Gospel. I need to get out of the church office and into the schools, neighborhoods, etc. to share my faith with others.

I will continue to gain weight both physically and spiritually if I continue on the path I am traveling. I will only lose weight if I discipline myself and make an effort to change. It will take work and will be painful at first but in the end it will be worth it. In the end if I am disciplined to lose physical weight, I will develop a habit of healthy eating, physical exercise and have more energy. I will be able to serve my family and the church better. In the end if I am disciplined to lose spiritual weight, I will develop a habit of befriending sinners, sharing my faith and establishing God's Kingdom on this Earth. I will be able to serve my family and the church better if I lose my spiritual weight.

In conclusion, I can not do this on my own. I need your help to hold me accountable. I need your help and encouragement to lose both physical and spiritual weight. Will you help me?

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