Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Heart of a Man: Principles from Nehemiah:

I have recently completed the Book of Nehemiah in my morning devotions. I have heard a lot of sermons on Nehemiah dealing with characteristics of a Godly leader, however, I believe there is also a lot to be learning from Nehemiah about being a man of God. I have outlined ten principles for manhood which I am learning from the Book of Nehemiah.

10) Sensitive Heart: 1:4; Nehemiah’s heart was sensitive to the needs of his people. When he heard about the news from Jerusalem his heart broke for his people and he wept. Men need to learn how to express our emotions without being dominated by them. When we hear about the horrors/effects of sin it should break our heart; causing us to weep for those around us.

9) Prayerful Heart: 1:4; Nehemiah’s first instinct was to pray. He took his requests to God. He recognized that in his weakness he could not fix the problem, therefore, he called out to God for help. We must be men of prayer.

8) Workers Heart: 1:11; Nehemiah worked hard as the king’s cupbearer. Nehemiah’s job was to take the first sip from the king’s cup to determine whether or not someone had poisoned the king’s drink. He worked hard at his job and because of his hard work he had favor with his employer. Men are like trucks we are meant to carry a load. God has made us to work, therefore, as men we must work hard from sunup to sundown to provide for our families.

7) Visionary Heart: 2:17-18; Nehemiah was an encourager and a visionary. Nehemiah saw the wall, saw what needed to be done and he went to work empowering others to accomplish the task. Men must be visionaries for our families. We must have a vision for the future. We must make decisions and lead our families well. The buck stops with us!

6) Delegating Heart: 3; Nehemiah delegated responsibility to others. He allowed others to utilize their strengths. As men leading our families there are times when we need to swallow our pride and ask for help. I am not the best at saving money, however, my wife is. I am always delegating financial matters to her expertise. We must allow others to exercise their strengths and humble ourselves enough to ask for help.

5) Strong Heart: 4:1-14; When people opposed the building of the wall Nehemiah stood up to opposition. Men need to stand up to opposition and fight for the family. Men too often remain silent on issues which matter. We will get passion when talking about our favorite team but when it comes to serious issues we remain silent. Men need to stand up for the family. Men must speak out against gay rights, pro-choice and other liberal agendas which are eroding the family.

4) Focused Heart: 6:1-9; Nehemiah remained focused on the task. There were a lot of issues which could have distracted him, however, he kept his eye on the goal. Men must form a plan and work their plan. It is easy to become distracted with climbing the ladder, blogging, and sports, however, we must remain focused on the ultimate goal of being a Godly family man.

3) Worshipful Heart: 8; Nehemiah read the law and led the Israelites in worship. Men are called to be “Pastor Dads” shepherding and leading our families. As men we must lead our family in devotionals, catechisms, praying over meals and before bed. Men set the spiritual tone for their family.

2) Celebratory Heart: 12; After completing the wall, Nehemiah had a time of celebration and remembering. He had a thanksgiving procession and celebration to mark the completion of the wall. Men must celebrate important mile-stones with our families. We must celebrate times when our children walks, talk, enter kindergarten, anniversaries, Christmas and other holidays. We must be men who know how to work hard and celebrate harder.

1) Bold Heart: 13; Nehemiah spoke out against sin. Men must speak out against sin in our families, neighborhoods, city, state, Nation, and world. We must repent of our own sins and be a voice calling our children, family, state, and Nation back to God.

Being a man is hard work, but, God has not left us alone. God will empower and equip you to be a man of God. All you have to do is commit your way to Him, acknowledge your sins, surrender your right to lead and He will help you implement these principles. May we with God’s grace be men who are lionhearted and lamblike in our servant leadership of our families.

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