Friday, February 28, 2014

March Newsletter

The more we pray, the more we sense our need to pray. And the more we sense our need to pray, the more we want to pray.- Jim Cymbala

The mission of the Baptist Medical Center is to meet the medical needs of all people with the intent that Christ be glorified, people evangelized and the local church strengthened.

One of the ways the BMC fulfills their mission is through the use of volunteers. Volunteers come and serve from all over the world. Typically, volunteers are in the medical profession and serve on a one month rotation. Volunteers help to ensure the hospital sees 120,000 patients a year. They work long, hard hours serving the people of Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Togo. Roughly one half of the volunteers who serve are not Christian and their service opens their eyes to Christianity.

Volunteers also come who are not in the medical profession and serve in a variety of different ways. They do construction, maintenance, VBS, and work alongside the missionaries who serve full time.

Volunteers don’t just work the entire time but also have fun. We host game nights, movie nights, a trip to the escarpment (picture the opening scene to the Lion King), and other cultural experiences.

We enjoy serving alongside people from all over the world. The work volunteers do strengthens our ministry, and meets the medical needs of all people.

Would you prayerfully consider coming out and serving?

The primary way volunteers serve is at the hospital. Volunteers typically serve for a one month rotation and work tirelessly the entire time they are here.*

Volunteers in Pediatrics working with a resident doctor*
Volunteers teaching children how to play kick ball.

Every Thursday night I have the privilege of  leading a small devotional for the volunteers on the compound. We are currently going through the Book of Philippians.

Volunteers help at church to draw a crowd. We were able to share the Gospel with Muslims and Traditionalists who would not normally come to church but who came because of the larger number of white people.

Volunteers praying over the church and patients.

When we have a large number of volunteers we are able to play volleyball. Here is Julia dominating a serve.

Local children fascinated by the white baby.

Whose in the stroller?
Piper turned 2 months. It may not be a big deal for her but her parents are excited.

Melt your heart

Happy Valentines Day!

Don't mind me, just hanging out relaxing and playing with my dad.

We call this one, "the trendy" look
Volunteers speaking to a group of junior high students.

One of the trucks which picks volunteers up from the city and transports them 3 hours over to the BMC.

Bawa and Ben. These 2 work tirelessly seven days a week to provide all of the meals for the volunteers.

Mercy is one of the cleaners on campus and ensures that all volunteers stay in a nice clean house.

Chiny is one of the guards on campus and is loved by volunteers. He has a youtube video and a hit song.

One of the houses where volunteers stay while they serve in Nalerigu.
Doctrinal Statement (I welcome your input)
RIP Dorito

1) Please be in prayer for the Baptist Medical Center. Pray doctors, nurses, chaplains and volunteers continue to heal and preach for the next 100 years. Pray for the volunteers who come and serve at the hospital. They work long, hard hours with little rest. Pray God sustains them during their time here and provides energy for the long clinic days. Pray that those volunteers who come who are Christians would be sanctified and those who are not would see the love of Christ through our actions and hear about Him in our speech.

2) Raising a newborn in rural Africa is tough. There are a million and one things to be anxious about. Pray we would have wisdom and discernment while raising Piper. Pray she does not get malaria, rotovirus, worms, tuberculosis, and other diseases which are prevalent in Africa. Pray she remains happy and healthy. Pray for us that we would not worry about anything but in everything through prayer and supplication we would make known our requests to God.

3) Pray for us as we have 5 months left in Nalerigu. Pray we run hard and remain focused on the mission. Pray we are bold in evangelism and take every opportunity to preach the Gospel. Pray for wisdom in regards to returning to the States. We are praying and discussing whether to enter full time ministry or return to school and pursue my PhD. Pray for wisdom in that area. Pray I am able to find a job before we return to the States in July.

4) I will return to the Witches Village this month to continue sharing Old Testament Bible Stories. Pray the women know and understand God's love for them. Pray I am able to point to Christ in the stories. Pray God draws them to Himself.

5) There are numerous people this month who needs prayer. Pray for "F" a 14 year old paralyized boy who is in the hospital with bed sores. He does not want to do his exercises and lays around all day. Pray he is encouraged and motivated to do his exercises. Pray for "I" a Muslim man who is listening to the Bible and asking questions about Christianity. Pray for "M" an old lady at the witches village who had to flee for her life. Pray she comes to know God loves and accepts her through Christ. Pray for "A" a chief who has received an audio copy of God's word. Pray he listens and is saved.

We love you all and our thankful you are holding the rope for us. If you would like daily specific prayer requests please follow us on Twitter: tewelch OR Facebook: T Elliott Welch. Thank you.

Serving Him,

The 3 Welchs

*Picture taken by William Haun from the Baptist Medical Centre website.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the update T. We will be praying for all of the above. We love and care about you guys so much! Thank you for all you are doing. Live are being touched and changed through your obedience to Christ. Let us never lose the wonder and amazement of the gospel.
