Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Visible God

No one has ever seen God. The one and only Son the One who is at the Father's side He has revealed Him-John 1:18

I have been reading through the Gospels and in John 1:18, John writes that Jesus reveals to us God who is unseen. Jesus's revelation of the Father is unique. Those who saw Jesus, saw not a shadow of God but God Himself. He was truly the God-man, in whom one nature did not eliminate the other. Below I have listed characteristics of God which I have learned from Jesus in John's Gospel. 

God has always existed 1:1
God has created all things 1:3
God came and dwelt among us 1:14
God provided the ultimate sacrifice to take away the sins of the world 1:29
God gives new identites to His followers 1:42
God sees all 1:48-49
God cares for the little details of our lives 2:1-12
God is jealous for His glory and abhors people who make money off of Him 2:13-16
God is all knowing 2:22
God knows what is in us 2:24-25
God withholds Himself from the un-elect 2:24-25
God commands us to be born again 3:3
God draws people to Himself by the Spirit 3:8
God loves the world 3:16
God didn't send Jesus to condemn the world but to save it 3:17
God loves His Son and has given all things into His hand 3:35
God destroys barriers 4:4
God loves and desires to have a relationship with outcasts 4:7-26
God is living water 4:13-14
God desires that we be involved in evangelism 4:35-38
God is the reaper of eternal life 4:36
God is more powerful than sickness 4:26-54
God is at work in the world 5:17
God is working; His Son sees where He is working and joins Him 5:19
God the Father doesn't judge; but has given all judgement to His Son 5:27
God gives new life to those who believe His word 5:24
God will receive worship from everyone whether willfully or woefully 5:28-29
God the Father sent God the Son 5:26-27
God provided John the Baptist, Himself, the Scripture and Moses to testify that Jesus is the Messiah 5:31-47
God is more powerful than hunger 6:1-15
God is more powerful than science 6:16-21
God provided bread for ancient Israel and our daily bread 6:37
God gives His elect to Christ; everyone who is elect will come to Christ and everyone who is un-elect will be cast out 6:37
God is a Calvinist 6:44 & 65
God has provided Jesus Christ who is the bread of life and everyone who eats of Him will live forever 6:51
God isn't afraid of drawing a line and calling for a commitment 5:60
God believes in irresistible grace 6:63
God was rejected by His siblings 7:1-9
God desires that we judge according to righteous judgment 7:24
God desires anyone who is thirsty to come and drink 7:37-38
God gives the Spirit to everyone who believes in Jesus 7:39
God forgives adulterers 8:1-11
God is the light of the world 8:12
God and Jesus judge together 8:16
God desires that we walk in His Word 8:31
God has always existed in triunal community 8:58
God is able to give sight to the blind 9:1-12
God allows evil to happen to bring Him glory 9:3
God gives light to the world 9:5
God is the good shepherd 10:1-19
God sent Jesus so that we may have life and have it abundantly 10:10
God holds in His hand all of His elect and no-one will snatch them from Him 10:28-29
God is more powerful than death 11
God grants life to everyone who believes in His Son 11:25-26
God promised His people a Messiah would come in the OT and those promises were fulfilled in Christ 12:14-16
God will honor those who serve Christ 12:26
God desires that we love His praise rather than the praise of men 12:43
God sent Jesus to speak His words 12:49-50
God loves His elect to the end 13:1
God is a servant 13:2-5
God desires that we serve others 13:14-15
God knows those He has chosen 13:18
God choose Judas in order that His will would be accomplished 13:21
God makes His home with those who love Him 14:20
God is the vineyard keeper. He prunes His elect so that they will grow 15:1-8
God commands us to love one another 15:17
God chooses us out of the world 15:19
God loves those who love His Son 16:27
God glorifies His Son 17:1-5
God has given us truth in His word 17:17
God's kingdom is not of this world 18:36
God sent His Son to die in the place of sinners 18:38-40
God was flogged and mocked instead of us 19:1-16
God has authority over/gives authority to world leaders 19:11
God was crucified instead of us 19:16-24
God provided for His Earthly mother 19:25-27
God poured out His wrath on His Son rather than on us 19:30
God fulfills His promises 19:36-37
God died and was laid to rest in a tomb 19:38-42
God was raised to life 20:1-18
God sends us out on mission 20:21
God restores the fallen 21:15-19
God did numerous miracles which if they were recorded would fill every book in the world 21:25

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