Friday, July 12, 2013

July Newsletter

The Heavens declare the glory of God.-Psalm 19:1

Open wide
A herd of elephants.

Tike or as we would call them DLA (Deer Like Animal).

Spider-man lizard


Vultures hanging out over an elephant carcass.

We tracked this lion for forty-five minutes as she hunted an Empala across the African plain. The birds alerted the Empala at the last minute that there was danger and the Empala ran off. 

The lioness after she missed her kill

Our tent where we stayed for two nights. At night while we were sleeping we could hear the lions growling.


Jackel. These animals are scavengers, eating the meat which the lions leave behind.

We came upon a small river which had over fifty hippos inside. The sight was amazing but the smell was horrible.

Our guide and friends whom we safaried with.
One of the many Giraffes we saw on our game drive. We had the privledge of watching them run across the African plain.

Baby Giraffe. Only four days old!

At high tea we were able to look out from our tent and watch Giraffes walk across the plain.

An African sunset. During the afternoons temps were in the upper 90's but when the sun set the temp. dropped to the low 50's.

African sunrise

I think I see a lion?
We went out to eat at Carnivore House (think Brazilian steak house but with exotic meats). 

Julia and I after feasting on meat for an hour and a half. I think she had to roll me out.


Enjoying a tasty meal.

Zebra travel together in order to help watch for lion and other predators.

Our jeeps as we head out on safari.

Help, my wife is pregnant in Africa!

God is answering your prayers. Julia and baby Welch are doing great. Julia is eighteen weeks pregnant and loves her second trimester. Everyone in Nalerigu is ecstatic about us having a child; we are looking forward to being parents. Thank you for holding the rope for us!

Julia and I had the incredible privilege of spending two weeks in Kenya for a conference/safari. The conference was OK, but the highlight of our trip was at an Encounter Mara Safari. We spent two days and nights staying in a luxurious tent on the African plain. Encounter Mara pampered and made us feel like royalty. We were able to rest, recharge and relax. We took five driving tours through the game reserve and saw a plethora of animals. We saw Empals, monkeys, baboons, elephants, giraffes, zebras, warthogs, birds, hippos, jackals, lizards, wildebeest, gazelle, and most importantly lions. At night we would fall asleep listening to the sound of lions growling in the distance, it was an amazing experience.

During our time at Encounter Mara I meditated on Psalm 19:1, "the heavens declare the glory of God." I am in awe of the simple fact that God is shouting at us through His creation. He is shouting at us through blue expanse on the horizon. He is shouting at us through the chirping of the crickets in the early morning hours. He is shouting at us through the snorting of the gazelle. He is shouting at us through the stumping of zebra hoofs. He is shooting at us through the roar of a lion. He is shouting at us through the grazing of animals on the African plane. He is shouting at us through majestic sunsets. He is shouting at us through star filled skies. He is shouting, "I AM GLORIOUS. Open your eyes and worship me. I am worthy of all praise, honor and glory. I AM GLORIOUS!" Julia and I are learning that the heavens declare the glory of God.

Prayer Requests:
1) Julia and baby Welch are doing great. Julia is eighteen weeks pregnant and loves her second trimester. The other night she woke up and could feel the baby moving inside of her. Everyone in Nalerigu is ecstatic about us having a child; we are looking forward to being parents. Please pray that mom and baby would continue to remain healthy and grow. Pray for God to edify and equip us to be Godly parents.

2) On Monday, July 15th we will celebrate one year of service with the International Mission Board. The time is going quickly and we are thankful for all of the support we have received. Please pray that our second year with the board will be better than our first. Pray that we would expect great things from God and attempt great things for God in our second year of service.

3) The other day I was driving through Nalerigu and realized that I have more Muslim friends than Christian friends. I must be doing something right! Please pray that my Muslim friends would come to know Jesus Christ. Pray for “I” a Muslim man I have tea with who has been asking questions about the Gospel, pray God draws Him to Himself. Pray for “M” a Muslim man with tuberculosis who has been listening to an audio bible and expresses an interest in attending church. Pray he follows through on his word and attends church.

4) Every Thursday Julia ministers to children in a village connected to the hospital. The children love seeing Julia’s truck pull into the village and come running up to greet her when she arrives. Please pray that the children would come to know Christ through this ministry. Pray for “L” a young girl whose parents are traditionalists who comes every week. Pray she sees and understands God’s love for her. 

1 comment:

  1. So glad y'all were able to go and relax and enjoy temperature in the 50's! Wish I could have been there with y'all, but I'm counting down the days til y'all are headed this way!!

    Lifting you up continuously, miss y'all so much!
