Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Worlds Greatest Story

Once upon eternity, God was and is and would ever be. He is the starting point of the story, the source of all creation. God made Earth, home to a perfect Garden paradise where the first humans-Adam and Eve-were to live as worshipers by loving Him, serving Him, and enjoying relationship with Him. There was perfect harmony rooted in love, acceptance, and intimacy, by which Adam and Eve enjoyed immense freedom to steward creation. Just one restriction was imposed for their good: God commanded them not to eat fruit from a specific tree.

As amazing as this perfect world was, God's enemy wanted to destroy it. Soon, dark clouds gathered over paradise: The Enemy tempted Adam and Eve to disobedience. In rebellion, they chose to disobey God and eat the fruit. The consequences were devastating. Sin came into every human and into all creation, destroying harmony. Adam and Eve, and all humans since, were now fallen and separated from God, in desperate need to be made right with Him once again.

God did not leave His creation to suffer forever under sin's grip. A promise made by God set our hope upon a rescue through a perfect Savior who could conquer sin and the Enemy. In Jesus Christ, God's Son, we see that promise kept. By Jesus' sinless life and substitutionary death, He secured the only possible rescue from sin.

One day, those who have put their trust in Jesus alone will experience the fullness of the rescue secured through Christ's substitutionary death on the cross. When God makes all things new, everything will be restored to its original perfection. Then all who have put their faith in Jesus Christ's perfect life, atoning death, and conquering resurrection will be forever with God, loving Him, serving Him, and enjoying a relationship with Him forever, just as God had intended from the beginning.

Intrigued by the story, read the whole story here...

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