Monday, April 11, 2011

What I will miss

Yesterday, I was smacked in the face with the reality that Julia and I have only fifteen months left in the States.  In fifteen months, Julia and I will be saying good-bye to family, friends, and loved ones in order to travel to the other side of the world and proclaim the message of Christ to a people group who does not know Jesus.  We will be gone for 2-3 years with little to no contact with anyone back home.  I am scared and sad over all I will miss...

I will miss my family.
I will miss talking on the phone with my mom every Sunday.
I will miss asking my dad for advice and talking about basketball and theology with him.
I will miss my sister getting married to the man of her dreams.
I will miss my brother becoming acclimated to life in the army as well as finding a girlfriend.
I will miss Julia's family.
I will miss theological/ministry conversations with her dad and asking for advice concerning cars.
I will miss her moms amazing cooking and self-less attitude.
I will miss her sister getting married to the man of her dreams.
I will miss her brother growing up into a man and living for God.
I will miss the Hills, Dotys and Hamiltons.
I will miss family vacations, and get together during the Holidays.
I will miss the comforts of America. AC, Food, Entertainment.
I will miss friends.  We are becoming close with the members of our small group and making friends with all of our neighbors. I will miss everyone.

It will be very hard to say good-bye to everyone and everything.  I am broken and sad over all we are leaving behind. No-one said it would be this hard.

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