Monday, March 2, 2015

March Newsletter:

For Parents on the Go:

  1. We will be offering a $500 scholarship to a student entering their first semester of college in the Fall. Please send me an email if you would like more information.
  2. Saturday, March 28th 7:00-9:00 PM. Dating God's Way. During the month of March on Wednesday nights we will take 15 minutes to teach on dating etiquette. Our focus will conclude on March 28th with a formal spaghetti dinner in the Fellowship Hall. We will have a panel discussion and a question/answer time.
  3. Friday, April 24th 5:00-7:00 PM. Human Ice Cream Sundae Fight. We will host a very messy human ice cream Sundae fight. Price of admission is an ice cream Sundae topping. We will play games, enjoy ice cream sundaes and have an epic ice cream sundae fight.
  4. If your teenager has already given a verbal commitment to attend The Journey Camp June 22-26 the final amount for camp is due no later than Sunday, May 3rd. The total amount is $130 per child. Please make checks out to FBCS Youth and I will receive payment at any time.


I am very proud of EVERY teenager in CREW. They did an incredible job raising money to support Salem Pregnancy Center. I challenged them to fill 20 baby bottles with change and they filled 37 and also donated formula and handmade blankets for newborns. They went above and beyond what was expected. After much thought I've decided pink isn't my color. We have a terrific group of teenagers.

During the snow days last week I was able to spend time updating my personal blog and while I was on the blog I discovered a post I wrote in September which reminded me of 10 Promises I made as the Youth Leader at Stanleyville. I have included them below so you will be reminded of my commitment to your son/daughter.

  1. Every teenager will be prayed for by name daily.
  2. Every teenager will be taught how to reach the lost through strategic cultural engagement.
  3. Every parent of an FBC Youth will quarterly be made aware of developments in youth culture.
  4. Every teenager will be taught a robust theology, exalting Christ and encouraging missional living from every page of Scripture.
  5. Every teenager will receive a birthday card, Facebook post or funny video on their birthday.
  6. Every teenager will be given the opportunity to be involved in camp, retreats, banquets, lock-ins, field trips, fundraisers, and other events yearly.
  7. Every parent of an FBC Youth will be kept up to date of events and activities via phone, email, newsletter and/or social media.
  8. Every teenager will be encouraged to discover their spiritual gift and given opportunity to serve.
  9. Every teenager will be connected with other Christians from FBC Stanleyville who attend their middle or high school to provide friendship, accountability and encouragement.
  10. Every teenager who shares in youth group will have what is shared kept in strict confidence unless the teenager is believed to be a danger to him/herself or someone else.

As always thank you for entrusting your son/daughter to the youth department at FBC Stanleyville. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please don't hesitate to email or call.
Reaching Teaching and Releasing,

T Welch

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