Sunday, October 26, 2014

Help With Evangelism:

I have had the privilege of engaging in hundreds of Gospel conversations. I have shared with atheists, agnostics, and individuals from every major world religion. I have been asked to leave malls, talked to by police officers, and even escorted off a college campus. Needless to say I love sharing my faith. I have found though, that a lot of Christians do not share my excitement when it comes to evangelism. Most would love to share their faith but they simply don't know how. Below is the RCCR method of evangelism which I keep in mind when sharing my faith...

Relate: Most of us can strike up a conversation with a stranger in the natural realm. It may be a friendly "How are you doing?" or a sincere "Good morning!" If the person responds with a sense of warmth, we may then ask, "Do you live around here?" and from there develop a conversation.

Create: This involves mentioning the things of God. This will take courage. We may say something like, "Did you go to church on Sunday?" or "Did you see that Christian TV program last week?" If the person responds positively, the question "Do you have a Christian background?" will probe his background. He may answer, "I went to church when I was a child, but I drifted away from it." Another simple way to swing to the spiritual is to offer the person a gospel track and ask, "Did you get one of these?" When he takes it, simply say, "It's a gospel tract. Do you come from a Christian background?"

Convict: Jesus, Paul and others in the Bible use the Law to bring "the knowledge of sin" (Romans 3:19-20). We can do the same by asking, "Do you think you have kept the Ten Commandments?" Most people think they have, so quickly follow with, "Have you ever told a lie?" This is confrontational, but if it's asked in a spirit of love and gentleness, there won't be any offense. This is because the "work of the Law is written in their hearts" and their conscience will also bear "witness" (Romans 2:15). Have confidence that the conscience will do its work and affirm the truth of each Commandment. Don't be afraid to ask, "Have you ever stolen anything, even if it's small?" Make sure you get an admission of guilt. Then ask the person, "If God judges you by the Ten Commandments, do you think you will be innocent or guilty?" If he says he will be innocent, ask, "Why is that?" If he admits his guilt, ask, "Do you think you will go to heaven or hell?"

Reveal: Once the Law has humbled the person, he is ready for grace. The Gospel is for the humble. Only the sick need a phyician, and only those who will admit that they have the disease of sin will truly embrace the cure of the gospel. Learn how to present the work of the cross-that God sent His Son to suffer and die in our place, and that Jesus rose from the dead and defeated death. Take the person back to civil law and say, "It's as simple as this: We broke God's Law, and Jesus paid our fine. If you will repent and trust in the Savior, God will forgive your sins and dismiss your case."
Ask him if he understands what you have told him. If he is willing to confess and forsake his sins, and trust the Savior with his eternal salvation, have him pray and ask God to forgive him. Then pray for him. Get him a Bible. Instruct him to read it daily and obey what he reads, and encourage him to get into a Bible-believing, Christ-preaching church.

I pray these principles will help you feel more comfortable and will result in a passion for reaching the lost. Now, GO and share your faith while there is still time.

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