Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Do you know Christ?

My goal is to know Him...-Philippians 3:10

Last week we began a series asking "Do you know Him?" When I use the word "know" or "knew" I don't mean he knew God like some of us "know" our Facebook friends or Twitter followers. No, I meant like Paul had an intimate knowledge of the Trinity we too should have an intimate knowledge of the Trinity. My aim is to paint with a broad brush a beautiful picture of each of the members of the Trinity. I hope through these posts you would give your life to knowing the Trinity and making Him known.

We will continue with Christ.

Do you know Christ?
He is the image of the invisible God.
He is the firstborn over all creation.
He created all things
He sustains all things
He came and dwelt among us
He is fully God and fully man
Do you know Christ?
He has power over weather
He has power over sickness
He has power over disease
He has power over death
He gives sight to the blind, makes the lame walk and the deaf hear
He has power over sin
Do you know Christ?
He eats with tax collectors, prostitutes, and sinners
He angers the religious establishment
He turns water into wine; not the cheap grape juice variety of wine but the good stuff
Do you know Christ?
He is the Good Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep
He is the Living Water those who drink of Him will never thirst
He is the Bread of Life those who eat of Him will live forever
He is the Light of the World those who walk in Him will never walk in darkness
He is the Resurrection and the Life those who believe in Him will live even though they die
He is the Vine and we are the branches those who abide in Him will produce much fruit
He is the way, the truth and the life. No-one comes to the Father but through the Son.
Do you know Christ?
He claimed equality with God.
Do you know Christ?
He died in your place to satisfy the wrath of God
He rose three days later
Do you know Christ?
He ascended to the Father's right hand
He gave us a commission to go into the whole world telling others about Him
He rules in Heaven
He is coming back.
He will return to gather His bride; the church, to Himself
He will receive the worship due His name.
Do you know Christ?

My prayer is that you would spend your life knowing Christ and making Him known.

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