Saturday, March 15, 2014

God's grace at the BMC

God has been moving these past couple weeks in Nalerigu. Below are three stories of His grace.

1) Julia and I recently discovered that the laundry detergent we were using in our front-load washer was clogging the water pipes and water was not draining out of the machine fully. We are only able to get two kinds of laundry detergent and both kinds are not for front-load machines and will clog the machines over time. We didn't know what to do and began praying to God to help our machine last until July. Shortly, after discovering our problem we went down to say good-bye to a volunteer family who was leaving Nalerigu. While at their house they presented us with gifts which they were unable to take back to America with them. One of the gifts was a LARGE bag of Tide laundry detergent which would work in our washing machine. We were overjoyed. God provided for our problem!

2) Recently, there was a lady at the hospital who had been admitted after giving birth to twins in her home. She did not deliver her placenta and was incredibly sick. The doctors examined the patient and provided the best medical care for her; however, her condition was not improving in fact it took a turn for the worse. One of the doctors asked me to go and pray with her. When I went to visit her and saw her condition I thought there is no way this woman is going to be alive in the morning. The other chaplains and missionary personnel on the compound also went and prayed over the woman. That night; the doctor who was treating her could not sleep because she was worried for her patient and began to pray to God for her healing. The next morning the doctor who was treating her went to see how she was doing and she was doing better. Over the next several days the lady began to make a turn for the better and she was healed and discharged six days after everyone thought she was going to die. When I saw her on the day she was discharged she was feeding her babies and looked like a new person. I hardly recognized her. Everyone at the hospital; including Muslims and Traditionalists were praising the Christian God for healing this woman. God is mighty to heal!

3) Every week I have tea and attempt to share the Gospel with a group of fifteen-twenty Muslim men. The work has been slow. Most of the time the men do not want to hear about Christ but would rather hear about America. Last week when I was having tea with them they received word that someone they knew had died. Everyone was very sad and discouraged. Everyone began to speak at once talking about how life is suffering, everyone dies, no one knows how to beat death, and no one knows how to be right with Allah. The Holy Spirit began to convict me and I could not shake the overwhelming desire to open my mouth and speak the Gospel. I said a quick prayer and in my best Mamprulli I began to share verses from the Bible; including, the Romans Road, John 3:16, and John 14:5. Everyone was listening and hanging on my every word. In the year and a half which I have been having tea with these men there has never been a time in which everyone was listening to my every word. God was moving! I also shared with them the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead and the story of Zachaeus. No-one repented of the sins and trusted in Christ but all heard the Gospel and have begun to think about what was shared. God is mighty to save!

God is doing incredible things at the BMC in our last days. Please pray He continues to move and draw people to Himself.

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