Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Dependency: Not just in Africa

DEPENDENCY! A ten-letter word which I have more disdain for than the "F"-word. Dependency refers to the mind-set prevalent in third-world countries in which individuals depend on the white man to provide, take care of, and work for the improvement of their country.

A dependent mind-set was established by early western explorers and missionaries who came to African countries and instead of equipping individuals to improve their country took the initiative and did everything themselves. Africans were happy to receive goods which they did not work for and gladly allowed the western explorers and missionaries do everything. Over-time a mind-set was developed which killed enterprise, ingenuity, creativity and hard-work. This mind-set is continually taught when Western Countries provide hand-outs (shoes, clothes, food, etc) instead of training and equipping countries to produce their own goods and services. White skin has become synonymous with one who gives gifts, provides goods and does all the work. Whenever an individual attempts to step-up and break free of the dependency mind-set he or she is silenced by the crowd and told to sit down, shut up and allow someone else to do the work. Dependency is holding Africa back. Africa could be a major player on the world-stage but because of a dependent mind-set they are in bondage.

Less, we be quick to judge Africa, let us turn the mirror on ourselves. I fear that America is being led by the liberal left to a dependency mind-set. The large, liberal government has taken the place of the "western explorer" and is providing free hand-outs. Americans, happy to receive goods which they did not work for are gladly allowing the government to gain more and more control. We are sacrificing are freedoms for a "bowl of stew"!

Don't have health insurance? Don't worry the government will provide. Don't have a job? Don't worry here is money as long as you make a half-hearted attempt to find a job the government will pay you. Don't have food? Don't worry the government will give you money and they will even make it look like a credit card so you don't feel bad. Want to marry whoever you want? Don't worry, government will go against the wishes of the people and allow you to marry. Want to have children, but don't have the money? Don't worry, the government will pay you for each child. How will we get all this money? Don't worry, we will tax the rich more and punish them for their hard-work and give to the poor. Country doesn't have enough money? Don't worry we will just raise the debt ceiling, who cares who has to one day pay the bill. Need I go on?

The Liberal left is fostering a dependent mind-set in the lives of 1,000's of Americans. This dependency is killing ingenuity, creativity and hard work. People dependent on the government will quickly sell their freedoms for another hand out. America will cease to function as a world power if the government continues to foster dependency.

How do we stop dependency in Africa and America? The answer is the same for both places: in Africa westerners must step back and equip/encourage Africans towards producing goods and services themselves. We must encourage creativity, ingenuity, and hard-work. In the same sense the liberal, left needs to step back from affairs that do not concern them. Providing hand-outs to every group does not foster creativity but only creates dependency. The government must equip/encourage Americans to return to hard-work and enterprise to grow the economy and jettison the dependent mindset.

In conclusion, dependency is destroying Africa and if we aren't careful will also destroy America. The Western world and Government must step-back from their hands on involvement and must equip/encourage creativity, ingenuity and hard-work without providing hand outs.


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