Thursday, March 14, 2013

March Newsletter

You can not pick up a stone with one finger.- Mamprulli proverb


Our trustee dentist equipment.

An unsuspecting patient. He wont be smiling for long.
They have no idea.
All numbed up and waiting for the dentist.
The dentist sizing up the patient. Realizes he might not be able to pull the tooth and calls for back-up.
I get the nod to come and assist.
Working, working, working but the tooth isn't budging.
I finally got it. Victory is mine!
You want me to do what?
OK, let me watch first and than I will try.
I think I can. I think I can.
Victory is hers!

A crowd gathered to watch and I was able to share a Bible story in Mamprulli. Huge answer to prayer.
By the end of the day everyone was all smiles.


This month Julia and I had the privilege of traveling with a dentist from America. The dentist is eighty-five years old and has been to Nalerigu, forty-five times. Over the course of his time in Nalerigu, he has pulled 1,000’s of teeth and shared the Gospel with scores of people. His love for the Mamprusi people and the Lord is contagious. He goes to bed every night at 7 and is up at 4 to begin working at the hospital. He sees patients at the hospital until 8am and then travels to pull teeth.

When Julia and I went with him, we set up shop under a mango tree. The tree provides shade for the patients and keeps the instruments from becoming too hot. All of the patients sit on a bench under the tree, a doctor goes down the line numbing each one, and the dentist follows behind and pulls their tooth. Julia and I had the privilege of pulling a few loose teeth. It’s not as easy as it looks, but it was quite an experience! During our time in the village a large crowd of children gathered and I was able to share a Bible story.

God impressed upon us that everyone is called into their profession to bring glory to God. Everyone has been called by God to use their profession, talents and skills to make much of Christ. No profession is more important than another; whether you are a janitor, dentist, stay-at-home mom, pastor, banker, engineer, or missionary; everyone must use their profession, talents, and skills to make much of Christ. God is glorified when we utilize our profession and talents to make his name known both in our workplace and abroad.

Prayer Requests:
1) We are progressing in our understanding of Mamprulli. We are fluent in Mamglish (a mix of Mamprulli and English). Julia is able to hear more than I am, but, I am able to speak better. We make a great team! Pray we would be diligent/determined to put in the hours necessary to learn Mamprulli. Pray we would have ears to hear and tongues to speak Mamprulli.

2) We are slowly but surely adjusting to life in Nalerigu. We are getting used to shopping in market, ALWAYS being asked for money, and having to explain why T only has one wife. Pray we would continue to adjust to life in Nalerigu. Pray we would be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves in navigating culture. Pray we would have wisdom to navigate the culture and humility to laugh at ourselves when we make a mistake.

3) We have entered hot season in Nalerigu. The temperature is 110-115 during the day and 100 at night. In case you were wondering, there is no air conditioning at our house or at the hospital. Pray we would stay hydrated and our bodies would adapt to the heat. Pray for a cool breeze at night to help us sleep. Pray we would have perseverance to push through hot season.

4) The volunteer coordinator went back to America and we have inherited new jobs. Pray for Julia as she begins teaching 8th grade history and vocabulary. Pray for T as he purchases groceries for the volunteers and welcomes them to the hospital. Pray God would send a volunteer coordinator to Nalerigu.

5) Julia and I daily share our faith with people in Nalerigu. Pray we would have boldness to proclaim the Gospel. Pray for the salvation of the Mamprusi people. Pray God would take out the heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Danica and I enjoyed looking at the pictures of the teeth-pulling extravaganza! Glad to see you all got the hang of it. ;)
