Tuesday, March 5, 2013

IN Christ

For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.-1 Corinthians 15:22

In the Bible, Paul called Jesus the "last Adam" because he is the remedy for idolatry and the redeemer of humanity, whereas the first Adam was the source of idolatry and the downfall of humanity. The first Adam turned from the Father; the last turned to the Father. The first Adam was naked and unashamed; the last Adam was naked and bore our shame. The first Adams sin brought us thorns; the last wore a crown of thorns. The first Adam substituted himself for God; the last Adam was God substituting Himself for sinners. The first Adam sinned at a tree; the last Adam bore our sin on a tree. The first Adam died as a sinner; the last died for sinners.

According to the Bible, we die in Adam but are born in Christ. In Adam there is condemnation but in Christ there is salvation. In Adam we receive a sin nature but in Christ we receive a new nature. In Adam we're cursed, but in Christ we're blessed. In Adam there is wrath and death but in Christ there is love and live. In conclusion, for as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.

Title: Who do you think you are?
Author: Mark Driscoll

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