Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Year's Resolution

Pray without ceasing.-1 Thessalonians 5:17

January 1st is quickly approaching and with the coming new year I have been thinking a lot about resolutions. I have been introspective examining my life to see aspects which I need to work on. I thought about making a resolution to lose weight but since I'm in Africa and the weight has been sweating off I figured it was too easy. I thought about making a resolution to survive a year in Africa but once again we aren't going anywhere so it was a moot point. An area of my life which I need to work on is my prayer life. I have adopted the command in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to be my verse for the year. I am going to attempt to pray without ceasing throughout the year.

I know what you must be thinking, does that mean he is going to spend all year locked in a room praying to God. Well; the answer is NO! That would be insane. When the apostle Paul commands the believers to pray without ceasing I believe he is talking about a lifestyle of prayer. A lifestyle of constantly and consistently coming to the Father in prayer. In other words, spending your day shooting fiery prayer darts up to God. This will look different for everyone but for me it will mean spending everyday, multiple times a day sending short fiery prayer darts up to God. For example; when I meet with the chaplains I will pray for favor in their eyes and a growing relationship. Before studying language I will pray for a tongue to speak and ears to listen. When I'm driving I will pray I pay attention and don't hit any farm animals. Before I eat I will pray dear Lord if I put it down you keep it down. I will pray for patience when dealing with beggars and 20 knocks on our door a day. I will pray for victory over sin. I will pray monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, minutely, every second for God's glory to spread throughout Nalerigu and into the surrounding villages. I will spend my day shooting fiery prayer darts up to God; therefore, by the end of 2013 I will be able to say, "I spent 2013 praying without ceasing."

Will you join me in making 2013 the year we pray without ceasing? 

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