Thursday, August 16, 2012

Am I willing to Die?

They conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they did not love their lives in the face of death.-Revelation 12:11

            These past two weeks I have been meditating on Revelation 12:11. While meditating on this verse I have been asking myself, “Am I willing to die for the Mamprusi people of Northern Ghana to come to know the Lord? Am I willing to lay down my life if that is what God requires?”

            The individuals quoted in Revelation 12:11 understood that Satan was defeated and thrown out of Heaven because of the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ death on the cross gave the martyrs quoted in verse 11 power over Satan and his forces. The individuals confessed Christ even in the face of death; they never backed down. They were willing to die rather than reject Christ and I have been asking myself if I am willing to do the same.

            I would like to say that I would answer yes in a heartbeat; however, I am not sure if my reasons for saying yes will sustain me in Ghana. At first I thought I would answer yes because being martyred would make a cool story and will allow me to become famous. These aren’t valid reasons which will sustain me in Ghana. A valid reason for dying would be if I truly cared about the Mamprusi. Thinking on this question I came to realize that I am going to preach the Gospel and maybe die not because I love the Mamprusi people but because God loves them!

            I realized that God loves the Mamprusi and His love working through me will cause my heart to also love them; therefore, I can be willing to go no matter the cost. If I am ready to die it frees me to preach Christ. If I am ready to die I am able to live in the village without AC. If I am ready to die I am able to eat the “nasty” food which they will serve me (bush rat, caterpillar, and snake). If I am ready to die I am able to share Christ with Muslims and entire villages. I am freed when I come to a place where I am willing to die.

            This meditation is being used by the Holy Spirit to transform my heart. God’s heart is for the nations and God is growing my heart for the nations; specifically for the Mamprusi people of Ghana! God’s heart desires the Mamprusi worship Him; therefore, my heart desires the Mamprusi to worship God and if asked I am willing to die for the Mamprusi to come to know Christ. Christ is drawing the Mamprusi to God and His plan cannot fail! If asked I am willing to die so that the Mamprusi may know and worship the true and living God. 

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