Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Godly Leader: Dr. Jerry Falwell

I found this letter on Facebook. The letter was written by Pastor Dwayne Carson and was written to student leaders at Liberty University. This letter helps to give a picture of the type of man Dr. Jerry Falwell was and the legacy he left. My prayer is that I would be able to leave a legacy like this man

To our Fall Leaders:

As we wrap up the month of May we move into the summer very, very different. Our beloved Chancellor, fearless leader and wise pastor is no longer with us. The passing of Dr. Falwell on May 15, 2007 has brought about an indescribable pain in my heart. I was greatly impacted by his wisdom but more so his encouragement. I find myself today enjoying a deeper relationship with the Lord and knowing without question that I, along with thousands of others involved in TRBC and Liberty University will need to increase in our faith. I have been greatly helped by reading Joshua 1; Joshua 3; I Kings 2; I Kings 3; Isa. 6; Heb. 13; II Tim. 2; II Tim. 4. I
encourage you to read over these passages for yourself.

Ministering with me one of the things you will learn is that I believe in taking periods of time to reflect. I believe we need to pause to reflect on where we have been, what we have been achieving and accomplishing as well as pause to reflect on where we are headed. We are told in Hebrews 12 to run the race that is set before us - we are not just to be running.

I would like to take a moment of your time and share some reflections on things I learned from Dr. Falwell. It is my desire that the things that I share encourage us for our future.

I learned first from Dr. Falwell to be a person of Faith. Dr. Falwell can be described in many ways, with many terms. I think without question he first and foremost should be described as a man of faith. He believed God. He believed in the power of prayer. He stated that nothing of eternal significance ever happened apart from prayer. He preached many times from Heb. 11:6 - reminding us that it was impossible to please God without faith and that God was a rewarder of those who did express faith. Dr. Falwell was a man of faith.

Dr. Falwell was a man who had a great attitude. How many times did he state “you don’t determine a man’s greatest by his wealth or his talent, as the world does but rather by what it takes to discourage him.” I remember early on in my association with him that he stated “remove all negative people from your inner circle.” I believe his faith in God made him always look at life with a positive view. He just believed God could do the impossible. For me, I will always remember his positive attitude.

Dr. Falwell was without question a leader - He implemented ideas. He made things happen. What will have the greatest impact on me more than his leadership of his family, or TRBC, or LCA or LU or the Moral Majority or many of the other organizations he started, will be his leadership of himself. I am convinced that the greatest leaders lead themselves first. You never had to ask Dr. Falwell if he had his quiet time - early in the morning he was alone with God, reading through a one year Bible - reading the devotional My Utmost for His Highest - writing out his prayer requests. He lead himself in the area of integrity - being very careful of never giving the appearance of evil. He was a phenomenal Christian leader but I will take from his life the importance first of leading myself before attempting to lead others.

Dr. Falwell was a dynamic witness for the Lord. Over and over on TV he would share the gospel. I loved to watch him being interviewed by Larry King or some other reporter, knowing that he would be sharing the gospel. He witnessed personally - he started a church by going house to house. He would witness in front of a grocery store. Sometimes he would talk with a person, sharing the glorious story and sometimes he witnessed with a handshake. That is how he impacted me - the first time I met him I was 18 and was very involved in a sinful lifestyle - I jokingly say that he created Moral Majority because of people like me - I was in a store purchasing beer when I came face to face with him. He, seeing my long hair, seeing the beer in my hand, moved toward me and then to my surprise stretched out his right hand toward me and said “how are you doing, young man?” I will admit to being a little taken back - I expected a sermon – not a hand shake. Later, after getting saved, I read in Luke 15 about how Jesus was known as a friend of sinners. I thought about my meeting Jerry Falwell for the first time and concluded he was acting like Jesus - being friendly toward sinners. Dr. Falwell was truly a witness for Christ.

Dr. Falwell was an exhorter. He just believed that people could be Champions for Christ. He knew how to get you to want to excel at whatever you were doing. I know that what I will miss most from him is his encouragement. I am one of thousands that will state “he believed in me when I did not believe in myself.” I can tell of several times in which he called to just see how I was doing. He did that with so many people. I will take away from his words to me that he wanted me to be all that I could be for Jesus Christ.

Dr. Falwell was a man who loved to laugh. He told jokes - he pulled pranks - he loved to hit you - if in his truck he would love to try to run over you, to blow his horn at you. It did not matter who you were either - I saw him pull pranks on the Chairman of the board. My children will remember him for grabbing them at baseball games and tickling them. I often thought that Dr. Falwell was a man who truly enjoyed life.

Lastly, Dr. Falwell was a man deeply in love. He loved his Savior. I cannot prove this, but I think his favorite song was My Jesus I love Thee. He loved his wife. Hardly anyone ever saw Dr. Falwell cry. The first time I did was in a convo in the early 90’s when his wife was sick and had to be hospitalized - as he talked about her he choked up. You could tell he loved her deeply. Some of the greatest words ever spoken to me from Dr. Falwell were words that spoke of me keeping my relationship with Donita top priority and keeping it fresh. I can truly say I have had a role model in being a husband. He not only loved his wife, he loved his children. Over and over he stated “what does it profit a man if he gained the world and lose his family.” I not only learned from his example and teaching about being a husband but about being a father! He loved his church – TRBC – but let me quickly say that it was not the building – it was the people. Because of my role with the viewings that took place after his passing I was privileged to see thousand of people walk past his casket. I marveled at how many people just stood and wept. Some would come over to me and tell a story of something that Dr. Falwell did for them. It was so clear that the people of TRBC loved their pastor because he loved them. I will never forget the love he showed me and my family when my mother died. He and his wife drove out to my father’s home to visit with us and pray for us. And yes - he loved Liberty University. He was its #1 sports fan. He attended as many events - whether it be sports or music or plays or debates. But once again I have to state that will all that he loved he loved most of all his Savior.

I will never be same because of meeting – knowing – ministering with Dr. Falwell. And may that be true of all who knew him. I conclude my reflection by giving this challenge
May we all find ourselves living by FAITH
May we all daily have a positive ATTITUDE
May we strive to be a mighty LEADER
May we always be a WITNESS
May we strive to exhort and ENCOURAGE
May we enjoy life with much LAUGHTER
May we be known for demonstrating LOVE

Continue Strong,

Dwayne Carson

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