Friday, June 29, 2012

Magic Mike XXL, Male Strippers, and Cost of a Ticket

Have you seen the newest movie to hit theaters this weekend? The newest raunchy movie to hit theaters this summer is known as "Magic Mike XXL". (If you have not seen the preview, please don't take the time to watch it).

I could write a lot about this movie; however, being a guy I feel as if my remarks would go largely unheeded. Therefore, I have copied and pasted a blog which I came across in which a woman is explaining the problems with this movie. I pray you take the time to read...


At the risk of sounding prude (is that really a bad thing? Prudent: acting with or showing care and thought for the future [] - yet our culture emits the word from our mouths as if spewing rancid vinegar.), I have to say I will NOT go see Magic Mike.

I once had a different mindset, and thought "having fun in the name of fun was nothing more than having fun"... I, in an endeavor to be a "hip, cool, contemporary and understanding" wife, allowed and encouraged my first husband to participate in the strip club parties he and his "upper eschalon" friends attended [attorneys, business owners, politicians]. At first, I was hesitant, but when a friend (wife of one of my husband's buddies) replied, "as long as he comes home to me I don't care what gets him started, they're just having fun." At first, her thought did not sit well with me, but I wanted my marriage to work and didn't want to "stir the pot." {I would be remiss not to mention she and her husband have been on the brink of divorce multiple times due to his infidelity, yet they are still together.}

Without going into too much detail, my marriage ended because of repeated infidelity on my husband's part. I was young, hurt, devastated. But, I learned -- activities -- even simple "entertainment" matters. What we put in our minds influences our hearts and actions.

I am married with five children. I do NOT want images of Matthew McConaughey or any other man for that matter, in my mind. Our minds associate images with activities. I do not want to be intimate with my husband and have to fight images -- or to pretend he is someone else for pleasure. I don't want him to fight images or pretend I am someone else. I want our intimate expressions to each other to be about "us" and our love and affection for one another.

Matthew McConaughey is not supporting my family emotionally or financially. Channing Tatum (also in the movie, and movie is based on his life experience before Hollywood "success") does not comfort my children or me. Neither of them take family walks with us, celebrate birthdays and achievements with us. They have no business entering that part of my mind and have not earned the right to be a part of my intimate life.

When I struggle with discerning a lifegiving choice from a life-compromising choice, I think about how I want my children to be treated. I don't want my sons, when they are older and married, to have wives who lust and drool after other men. I don't want my daughter to be betrothed to a man who would rather watch another woman than admire his bride. I don't want to set an example to my children to expect to have a wife or be a wife that does not cherish her marriage or family. When someone cherishes a person or thing, they protect it and esteem it.

I consider my eyes to be in covenant with the man who cherishes me, and I have no desire to watch another man try to stir my affections - what would it benefit? I can think of no benefit to stirring desirous thoughts or feelings for a man whom I have no personal relations or commitments - other than a stroke to ego if the man is personally trying to "hit-on" me -- but even then, is that a compliment? That he wants to "do me"??? No. A compliment is someone who admires my intellect, heart -- although, I do appreciate my husband admiring my physical appearance as well -- and I don't mind others comment, either. As long as the comment has no ulterior motive.

Bottom line - the health of my marriage and family. I am choosing to guard my heart and my family.

I hope and pray this woman's words have struck a cord.

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