Monday, August 29, 2011

What went wrong?

This past weekend Hurricane Irene ripped through the East Coast, leaving millions without power, destroying thousands of homes, and ruining multiple towns, cities, and villages. ( All of the destruction and devastation leaves individuals asking questions such as why would a good God allow evil, why did this happen, and what went wrong? Hurricanes, death and destruction were never God's original plan...

In the beginning, God spoke and everything came into existence. By His command, the entire universe was created and filled with a dramatic display of galaxies, stars, and planets-including Earth, on which was a perfect garden of paradise called Eden. Of all the beauty He created, the masterpiece was a man and a woman. God made Adam and Eve in His image to reflect Him. They were created with the grand purpose of worshiping Him by loving Him, serving Him, and enjoying relationship with Him. By God's design all of creation was in harmony and was exactly the way it was supposed to be. During this time there was no pain, suffering sickness or death. There was complete love, acceptance, and intimacy between God and man, between Adam and Eve, and throughout creation. But something tragic happened...

Adam and Eve were far from being equal to God, yet He lovingly placed them in charge of all He had created in Eden. He gave them the freedom to make decisions and govern the earth with one rule: not to eat fruit from a specific tree. One day, God's enemy, a fallen angel named Satan, wanted to overthrow God so he took the form of a serpent and lied to Adam and Eve. He deceived them into thinking God was not good and did not have their best interest in mind. As a result, they knowingly disobeyed God. In rebellion, Adam and Eve ate the fruit, deciding that they, not God, would determine right and wrong.

The consequences of their actions were devastating! Like a virus, sin entered into all of creation and into the hearts of Adam and Eve. Sin, suffering, and pain were passed down from generation to generation; all of creation was distorted from it's original design. We have all read or heard the stories of war, poverty, hurricanes, earthquakes, greed, and scandals that plague our world today. Those are all a result of sin.

Sin not only exists out there but also inside each of us. How many lies have you told this week? last week? in your life? Have you ever stolen anything? Did you know that if you look with lust or sexual desire it is the same as adultery? Just think of the grudges you've held, the lies you've told, the thoughts you'd never dare say aloud. An honest glance into our own hearts reveals the truth: we are all guilty! Everyone has sinned, and the ultimate consequence, even worse than physical death, is eternal separation from a loving God, in terrible misery and unhappiness. Because of all this, we need to consider the question: Can anything be done? Is there hope? Find out here...

1 comment:

  1. Yes, there is an Irene raging inside each of us. Remember the bible said "even the winds and waves obey Him" Turn to the one who calms the water for help with your storms of life both spiritual and physically.
