Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Liberal Loser Agenda:

I hate the liberal loser agenda.

I am disgusted by the liberal loser agenda.

I can't get on social media anymore without being bombarded with the liberal loser agenda.

I can't turn on my television without being bombarded with the liberal loser agenda.

I can't listen to the radio without being bombarded with the liberal loser agenda.

In the midst of this bombardment I continue to hear Christians advocating silence, turning the other cheek, listening to the other side, and the list of passive aggressive responses to the liberal loser agenda continues to grow.

Let me ask you: when is enough enough? When do we speak up?

In Jeremiah 29:7 Jeremiah writes, "seek the welfare of the city I have deported you to. Pray to the LORD on it's behalf, for when it has prosperity, you will prosper." God speaking through the prophet Jeremiah urges Christians to seek the welfare of the place where they live. Seeking the welfare of our neighborhoods, cities, States, and Nations involves speaking up and speaking out against the liberal loser agenda.

The liberal loser agenda is destroying our cities, Nation and world.

How much longer will we remain silent? 

May I encourage you today for the good of our cities, States and Nation we need to speak up against the liberal loser agenda.

For the good of our children we need to vote NO to the liberal indoctrination taking place in public schools across our land.

For the good of marriages we need to vote NO to the homosexual/transgender revolution that is tearing down families and marriages.

For the good... actually for the life of the unborn... we need to vote to defund Planned Parenthood. We need to say that murder of the unborn will no longer be tolerated in our Nation.

For the good of our military we need to speak out against kneeling during the National Anthem and disrespecting our flag.

For the good of the police who protect us we need to stand with our police officers and let them know we have their 6.

For the good of religious liberty we need to stand with the bakers and candle stick makers who refuse to bow their knees to the idolatry of homosexuality.

For the good of our fellow neighbors we will say NO to propping Obamacare up under the backs of hardworking men and women.

For the good of our neighbors we should protect our borders and vet who we let into this country.

For the good of our cities we need to stop robbing the rich to give to the poor.

For the good of our Nation we need to encourage business and growth in our country and not ship it overseas.

For the good of society we need to let the liberal loser agenda and the so called "elites" in Hollywood, sports and Washington know that there liberal loser indoctrination will no longer be tolerated we will vote them out in the voting booth and we will stop spending money on their movies and stop watching their sporting events. We will vote with our time and wallets!

The liberal loser agenda is destroying our neighborhoods, cities, States and Nation.

For the good of our Nation it is time to speak up and speak out!

For the good of our Nation it is time to let the liberal losers know that their agenda will not be tolerated any longer.

For the good of our Nation liberal losers will come to realize that there are people in America who willingly eat McDonalds, drink COKE, drive trucks, hold to good old fashion family values, kneel for the cross and stand for the flag!


For the good of our Nation may we let our conservative voices ring!

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