Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Weight of 9:00 AM:

I woke up last night in a cold sweat. I was dreaming that I got up to preach in the 9:00 am service and no one was there. I began talking to the chairs hoping someone would come in but no one ever came.

I tossed and turned last night before getting out of bed and heading down to the basement. The weight of everything getting ready to take place was crushing me.

The burden of preaching was crushing me.
The burden of being called Pastor and having all eyes on me was crushing me.
The burden of my children being thrust into the limelight was crushing me.
The burden of people's hopes and dreams that I can grow a church through my preaching was crushing me.
The burden of being seen as an agent of disunity was crushing me.
The burden of tension between the Pastoral staff was crushing me.
The burden of judgmental stares from people was crushing me.
The burden of church members thinking I am a fool was crushing me.
The burden of realizing that if this service does not succeed I could lose my job was crushing me.
The burden of having to preach a home run sermon every week was crushing me.
The burden of the churches financial situation was crushing me.
The burden of bringing new families into the church who will tithe was crushing me.
The burden of being called Pastor was crushing me.
The burden of Pastoral Ministry was crushing me.

The burden was crushing me.


That is a very good thing.

The crushing weight of everything taking place in the fall drove me to my knees... no... it drove me to my face on the floor of the basement crying out to God... crying out to Jesus Christ!

I was crying out to Jesus to move in my life.
I was crying out to Jesus to remind me that my identity is found in Him and not in my job.
I was crying out to Jesus to remind me that I my justification is not contingent on the number of people who attend the 9:00 AM service but is secure in Heaven.
I was crying out to Jesus to humble me, mold me and shape me.
I was crying out to Jesus to mold me into His image. He is the potter, I am the clay.
I was crying out to Jesus to speak through me.
I was crying out to Jesus to move in FBCS.
I was crying out to Jesus to make FBCS a light in the midst of our dark city.
I was crying out to Jesus to bring lost souls into our churches that they may hear the Gospel and be saved.
I was crying out to Jesus to burden church members for souls in our city and for church members to go outside the walls of our city being salt and light.
I was crying out to Jesus for Him to make His name known in our church, in our city and around the world.
I was crying out to Jesus to heal disunity.
I was crying out to Jesus to provide financially.
I was crying out to Jesus to not let me lose my job.
I was crying out to Jesus!

In the midst of my prayers the still, small voice of God spoke to me and said, "Be faithful. Preach the Word. All I am asking you to do is be faithful."

Oh may I be found faithful!

May God get the glory if the service succeeds, families joins and our financial situation improves.

May God get the glory if the service fails.

May I never forget that my shoulders are not strong enough to carry the burdens of FBCS BUT Christ's shoulders are strong enough. I cast my worries, cares, fears and burdens at the feet of the one who gave His life for me. HE IS STRONG ENOUGH TO CARRY IT ALL.

May God get the glory in everything that I do!
May God get the glory in everything about to take place!


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