Wednesday, September 11, 2013

We Are Rewarded

Serve with a good attitude, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that whatever good each one does, he will receive this back from the Lord. ­–Ephesians 6:7-8

Life as a missionary is hard. There are many days when I hear a knock on the door and I am paralyzed with immobility because I know it will be another beggar/hungry person/scam artist coming to my door to ask something from the white man. When I go out into Nalerigu, people aren’t running up and asking me what they must do to be saved and no-one is thanking me for leaving the comforts of America to come and live among them. I see pictures on Facebook from my friends and family and I long to be able to spend the holidays with them.

Recently, I have memorized/mediated on Ephesians 6:7-8. I am in awe of the fact that I serve a God who sees and knows all and will reward every act of obedience. I am thankful for a God who knows the sacrifices Julia and I are making and will reward us. God will not only reward missionaries but will reward everyone who lives in obedience to God’s will for their life. All of us are rewarded based on our obedience in obeying God’s direction. Julia and I will not be rewarded more for being missionaries; rather we are rewarded based on our obedience in obeying God’s direction.

What does this mean? It means that if God has called you to be a Doctor; than work hard, obey God and great will be your reward. If God has called you to be a teacher; work hard, obey God and great will be your reward. If God has called you to work construction; work hard, obey God and great will be your reward and if God has called you into the ministry; work hard, obey God and great will be your reward. If God has called you into _______________; work hard, obey God and great will be your reward.

God the Father loves all of His children and will disown none of them, but He does not equally reward the obedient, generous and hardworking children the same as He does the disobedient, stingy and lazy ones. We all will inherit Heaven if we know Jesus Christ but there will be those in Heaven with greater rewards.

My encouragement to everyone reading this post is the same encouragement which I tell myself every morning. God sees and knows all and will reward every act of obedience. Brothers and Sisters God has called all of us into our profession and in our profession we must work hard, obey God, because our reward in Heaven will be great!

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