Friday, June 7, 2013

June Newsletter

The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior, so are the children of ones youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.- Psalm 127:3-5

The Welch's have something to say
That can't wait another day
Lately T's been bouncing around like Tigger
And soon Julia's belly will start to get bigger

Now you think you have a hunch
And your right we we're expanding the Welch bunch
And when it the big day
It's only six month away

Our baby at 5 weeks (about the size of a blueberry). Julia is now thirteen weeks and the baby is the size of a peach. 

Julia came home from work one day, walked in the house, smelled lunch and ran straight to the bathroom. We knew something was up. I went to the hospital to get a pregnancy test, got home and she tested positive. Julia sent me back to the hospital to get three more to see if it was accurate. The nurses were smiling from ear to ear!

Julia at 7 weeks!

We are thankful for the Reese family and Miss Sabo for  sending us a care package. The baby loves Cheez-Its!

1) Julia is pregnant in Africa! Please pray for Julia and the baby. Pray that they will remain healthy and able to obtain all of the right nutrients. Pray that Julia will remain malaria free throughout her pregnancy. Pray that I would have patience since I appear to be the one in the pregnancy who is the most moody (sometimes we joke that I might actually be the one who is pregnant). Pray that God will prepare Julia and I to be Godly parents.

2) Julia and I will be leaving for a conference and vacation in Kenya on June 21st. Please pray for safe travels. Pray for the Ghanaians remaining at the hospital that they would step up and fill the slots left vacant for two weeks. Pray for a recharging, relaxing, and refreshing time in Kenya.

3) Please continue to pray for the various ministries we are involved with. Pray for the women of the outcast camp, and Naomi Fund. Pray for the children of Alafiafungo and feeding center. Finally, pray for the men I have tea with. Pray that all of the individuals we work with would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Pray that those who are believers would mature and grow more into the image of Christ. 

4) A Dr. and his family who have been serving in Nalerigu for twenty five years are returning to the States this month. Our hearts are heavy to say goodbye. Please pray for us as we say good-bye and transition into new roles and responsibilities. Pray God raises up another Godly doctor and evangelist to fill the spot left vacant.

5) Please continue to pray for our language learning and cultural acquisition. Pray we would have ears to hear and tongues to speak Mamprulli. Pray we would be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves when navigating culture.

We love you guys.

The Welchs 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congratulations!!!!! Love, Ainsley, Joshua, Danielle and Mike

  3. Praying and CONGRATS AGAIN! We love you guys~
