Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Horde or Save?

Julia and I have two different strategies when it comes to packages, sweets and surprises. Julia hordes everything she gets only eating one or two bites to ensure that her candy lasts a long time. I on the other hand, jump right in eating everything five minutes after the box is open. Julia hordes and saves and I’m not even sure I know the definition of hoarding and saving.

This week we received a package from Julia’s mom and inside Julia received six Mr. Goodbars and I received two packages of Dunkin Donuts Hazelnut coffee. I instantly began to salivate when Julia pulled them out of the box. When you’ve been drinking bad instant coffee for three months; you wouldn't believe how much joy DD coffee brings. As I walked over to the coffee pot to enjoy this amazing gift, Julia reminded me of the size of the bag and proceeded to explain to me how I could stretch the portion sizes and make the coffee last longer. Like a fool I listened.

This morning when I put in the pre-arranged table spoons to make the coffee “last longer” it looked pitiful sitting in the filter; saying, “please add more, please add more”. I re-assured myself that it would be OK and turned the pot on to brew. After 15 minutes of smelling the delicious aroma of hazelnut I preceded to pour myself a cup. As I was pouring I realized I could see right through the coffee to the wall on the other side; when I looked down at the coffee in my cup I could see the bottom. In case you don’t know, that’s not supposed to happen. I tried it and almost gagged. I was drinking watered down Dunkin Donuts coffee AND IT WAS HORRIBLE. Day-old instant coffee is better than watered down DD. After two sips I decided I didn't care if the coffee only lasted a month; I was going to drink strong, dark hazelnut coffee. You know, the kind of coffee which puts hair on your chest and a pep in your step. The stronger, the darker, the better! Hey, it may only last a month instead of six but at least it will be delicious. 

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