Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Two years, Ten Lessons

Well, today (June 5th) is our second anniversary. Hardly a week goes by without someone reminding me how lucky (in a Calvinistic sense of course) I am to have the wife I do. Much better than I deserve.

Since this week is our anniversary week, I'd thought I would share ten things I've learned about marriage. Guys, feel free to take notes. Honey, I know I still have more to learn.

10) Make her laugh. A marriage without humor is like oatmeal without brown sugar: it might still be good for you, but it's basically congealed mush. If you've stopped laughing, you may have started hardening.

9) Watch TV together. Julia and I love snuggling up next to each other and watching our favorite shows. It is hard to beat spending an hour holding Julia as she closes her eyes from the intense parts of NCIS or Criminal Minds. Suspenseful TV shows = great cuddling!

8) Talk. Talk about your day. Talk about your plans. If you have feelings, talk about those too. Respond to her communication with more than nods and hmms. And don't say "interesting" if you aren't really listening. You'll get yourself in trouble.

7) Pay attention to details. Your wife wants you to notice when she has gotten a haircut, her nails done or even bought new earrings. Also, be a man and take care of her car. (If you are like me, it's OK to take it to a garage and let someone else change the oil, but, you should be the one to know it's time to change the oil). If she makes dinner than do the dishes. Paying attention to the details informs her that you care.

6) Buy gifts. Get her something for Christmas, Valentine's Day, her birthday and her anniversary. Consider Ground Hog's Day and Arbor Day just to be safe. She may tell you she doesn't need anything. And with some wives, she may even mean it. But don't find out if she does.

5)  Say "I'm sorry." Be specific and don't make excuses. Try to see things her way. If you were only half wrong, own up to your half of the wrong. And when she owns up to her half, give her grace, give her a hug, and move on.

4) Date Night. We have made it a habit to go on a date at least one night a week. The date doesn't need to be fancy or expensive just a time to get away and reconnect. Be creative!

3) Be intimate. Take your time! Light the candles. Enjoy each other. Cuddle and have fun.

2) Pray. Make it a habit to spend time each day in prayer. It has well been said that the couple which prays together stays together.

1) Lead. Don't talk about leading, just lead. A lengthy discussion on the meaning of kephale will fascinate a few wives, but almost all wives appreciate a husband's gentile leadership. Ask her to pray. Say "let's." Take initiative. Don't shy away from hard decisions. Be a man.

Happy Anniversary Julia. And no, this blog is not your only present.

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