Tuesday, January 31, 2012

To My Daughter:

Dear Daughter,

I know you're too young to understand this letter.  In fact, you are not even born yet, but I write it knowing that one day you will be alive and able to comprehend its meaning. 

I specifically want to warn you of the dangers of adorning your body without adorning your soul.  I'm not sure what will be fashionable as you grow older, but these days American women, even professing Christian women, love to decorate the outside, often to the neglect of their internal and eternal selves.  Not only should you guard against the riches of this world that would provoke you to dress in clothes more expensive than they need to be--to impress others--but I'm sure the temptation will come to wear clothes that also show off your body in an immodest way.

I pray now for you sweetie that your heart will not be carried away by these lures of the devil.  God made you for so much more.  If you dress provocatively, to impress other women and to catch the eyes of men, you'll only be inviting sorrow into your life.  I hope you will cherish God's Word and hunger after his righteousness, and that you will reject the worldly system which says you're only as significant as your fashionable clothing. 

I pray that, by the grace of Christ, your mother and I will instill within you that your true significance can only be found as you find yourself helpless and humble before God, confessing your sin and begging for his mercy.  May you be an embodiment of the Scripture that says, "I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God" (1 Timothy 2:9-10).  Your clothes, like the words out of your mouth, will almost always be an expression of what's going on in your heart.  If your heart is pure, as you submit to Christ, then your dress and speech will also be Christ centered. 

Reject this worldly culture that seeks to undress you in public, to make your body an object a man longs after.  "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes.  Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight" (1 Peter 3:3-4).  Fully embrace all that God wants to be for you in Christ Jesus.  Find your worth and significance in God as you worship him.  Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.  Taste and see that he is good--more savory and satisfying than what the world dangles before you. 

The morsels the world offers will leave you hungering for more, and, in the end, miserable.  Don't adorn your body in such a way that makes it a spectacle for lustful men or in a way that shows off an expensive taste in clothes.  Instead, adorn your body so people will not ultimately look at you, but see the glory of Christ as he shines upon you.

Your loving dad,

1 comment:

  1. T, Please keep writing these letters to your sweet daughter. One of the hardest things growing up was that I didn't have a earthly Daddy telling me how to live or dress.I didn't have a Daddy telling me how beautiful I was inside and out and that I didn't have to dress for men's attention or give my body away to them in order to be loved.

    Thank God for His amazing GRACE-He chose me and opened my eyes to spiritual things when I was young and I loved him and lived for Him the best I knew how. Because of Him and His grace He protected me from many things in my life that could;d have really really hurt me. I got to know Him through the word and my time in youth group where I had a youth pastor and his wife pour into my life-like no body had never done before-bedsides my Grandparents. My Mema and Papa told me about Christ and molded the Christian life in front of me. The Lord chose me then and opened my eyes then. Both sets of Grandparents took me to church because my parents didn't.

    OH HIS GRACE IS SO SWEET. He started something in my life and as the word says He is finishing it and will finish it until He brings me heme.

    I used to cry when I saw Daddy's pick their daughters up from school or danced with them at school dances. The Lord was my Father and He sure filled those places and because I didn't have a Father He pulled me closer and closer to Him and I thank the Lord for that. I completely believe that was His plan all along.

    Going to college revamped my views on dating and relationships and many ways I have healed from the past. In my marriage the Lord has used Christ in Justin to heal many of those scars an wounds from not having a Father. Justin protects me, provides for me, leads me, and helps me like my earthly father didn't. Every day through work of Christ in my heart and through the work of Christ through my husband I heal and I can't wait to raise daughters' in the Lord who have a earthly Daddy who loves them and takes care of them and points them to Christ because he (Justin) knows he will make mistakes and only Christ can fill the void in in our daughters' life. They were made for Christ.

    So, please keep writing these letters to your daughter. They Are MORE important then I think you understand. (just coming from the prospective of someone who didn't have an earthly Daddy taking care of them). She will know how much she is loved by you and how much the Lord loves her and it will point her to Jesus Christ her ultimate Father and love of her life. You will hold her and be her protector until you hand her off to her Husband.

    Love her, protect her, take her on Daddy daughter dates, leave her love letters, tell her she is beautiful every single day, hold in your arms, and let her cry on your shoulder. Show her what a real Christian man looks like so when men start to pursue her she will know what a real , committed, genuine, Christian man looks like because of your example and what she has learned through scripture which you and Julia have POURED into her heart through the years.

    Don't stop writing these letters Elliot!
    Sorry that I wrote a book. Didn't intend too-just got writing and couldn't stop! I cry every time you write one of these letters!

    Love you and Julia,

    J & A
