Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Real Action Star

We received a package this month from Julia’s sister. Inside was a plethora of movies and TV shows. One of the movies was Live Free or Die Hard aka Die Hard 4. I was stoked to be able to watch a “mans movie”. You see, on the compound we have a wide range of children and romantic films but a very small number of “man movies”. The male missionaries have been dying for an action film with a shallow plot and a lot of action. Die Hard 4 provided the perfect blend of explosions, car chases, and gun fights.

Last night, I invited all of the men over to my house to watch Die Hard 4. Ten middle aged men crowded into my living room to watch Live Free or Die Hard and Bruce Willis did not disappoint. He was awesome! His ability to dodge bullets, get shot at, catapult a car into a helicopter, jump on top of an F-15, kill at least 50 bad guys, and save America, yet again, was amazing. The fact that he is able to do it with only one t-shirt and a witty sense of humor was AWESOME!

John McClain and other action stars strike a nerve in all of us because of our longing for someone to save the day. We look around at this world and can tell that things are not as they should be. Something is drastically wrong. We need a hero! John McClain and other action stars are but micro-pictures of the real hero; King Jesus. One day King Jesus will split open the sky, riding down to Earth and with ONE WORD; He will conquer Satan. Satan, his demons, the curse, sin, and death will be thrown into Hell forever. Everything in this world will be made right. He will wipe away every tear from our eyes and He will fully set up His eternal reign on this Earth. O, what a glorious day that will be!

In conclusion, John McClain and other action stars are  micro-pictures of the real action star; King Jesus! Ten middle aged men gathered in my living room to watch Die Hard 4, in part due to their longing for the real hero. One day, King Jesus will make everything right and He won’t even have to say, “Yippee Kay yay…”

1 comment:

  1. there's a problem a could help you with, since no one has given me any info yet and I didn't send the amazon gift card I got (though if i would've thought of it, i suppose i could've sent the code to julia's facebook the other day) I'd be happy to ship you two some flicks, or some other comfort you've missed from the states. Drop me a line, my e-mail is my last name worldwide at yahoo.com no spaces (in case parsers happen to pull this blog) don't hesitate to let me know what you'd like, remember you're not asking and I'm closer to insisting than offering. So, let me know, & I hope you two are well, and have a good evening.
