Friday, September 7, 2012

The Image of the Invisible God

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For everything was created by Him, in Heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-all things have been created through Him and for Him.-Col. 1:15-16

      Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God. When I read the Gospels and study the life of Christ I catch a glimpse of who God is. Many individuals who are not followers of Jesus comment on how much they like him. I believe this is because everyone has a God-shaped hole in their hearts which ONLY He can fill. As unbelievers learn about Jesus the Spirit testifies to them that Jesus is the one they have been looking for. Jesus amazes everyone who studies His life.

       Jesus Christ, as the second member of the Trinity is over everything. The Word (Jesus) created it all. He created the land, sea, mountains, valleys, sun, moon, and stars. He created man and woman in His image. He created angels and all of the Heavenly hosts. He created Satan and his demons. He created everything.
        Jesus not only created all, but, He is over all. He is over every disease, wars, genocidal dictators, and corrupt governments. He is over all religious, political, and economic leaders. He is over every angel or demon. He is over the stock market, job recovery, and the national debt. He is over the Republican and Democratic party. He is over Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Jordan, Syria, Nigeria, Niger, Pakistan, Ghana, USA, and every nation on Earth. He is over every school and university no matter what they teach. He is over every natural disaster, car-jacking, mugging, and kidnapping. He is over every birth and He is over every death. As Abraham Kuyper beautifully said, "There is not one square inch on planet Earth over which the living Savior does not say mine!"

        All things have been created through Him. Everything must pass through Jesus. Everyone on the planet who breathes, is breathing because Jesus has given them permission. Everything which happens, happens because Jesus gave it permission. 

          Everything is for Christ's glory. Christ's greatest aim is to magnify His glory. Everyone/everything which exists whether visible or invisible, thrones or dominions, rulers or authorities exists to bring glory, honor and worship to Jesus.  Every event which takes place on Earth is allowed to take place because the event will bring greater glory to Christ. Everything is for His glory.
          Christ has created it all. He is over it all. All things have been created through Him and everything has been created for His glory. We have nothing to fear! Jesus is on His throne! He is over it all, therefore, we must trust and surrender our lives to Him! Have you submitted everything to Jesus?

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