Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Fast Facts on Animism:

Fast Facts on Animism:

The belief in the existence of individual spirits that inhabit natural objects and phenomena.-Dic. Definition

The worship of spiritual powers who indiscriminately and unpredictably bring both good and evil to their followers.-Quest for Power by Robert Blaschke

Have a fatalistic worldview

Belief in a Supreme Being which is high above us, there are lesser gods, spirits and ancestors which we are able to communicate with. People speak with these lesser gods through witch doctors, shamans, and sangomas.

Motivated by a search for PEACE and harmony. They live in FEAR of the lesser gods.

Always searching for peace or Alafia. Alafia is an ideal state of being for the animist which is characterized by balance and harmony. Alafia can be lost and imbalance created when something bad or out of the ordinary happens. When Alafia is lost, there is a fear driven urgency for its restoration.

Tips on Sharing the Gospel with Animists:

Address FEAR-contrast fear with rest, freedom, and security in Christ (Col. 1:27-29, 2:15; 1 John 4:16-18).

Emphasize relationship with God through Christ.

Build relationships with the people-they must see you modeling it over time. It can take YEARS.

Focus on solid Biblical Teaching-Don’t get too dependent on other methods/strategies. Strive for understanding and transformation in Christ- (Col. 1:27, Is. 43:10).

*Taken from David Hooten's teaching on Animism at ILC.

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