Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Sermon: God's love for sinners


·        Good Morning!
·        My name is T Welch
          Married to Pastor Bledsoe’s oldest daughter Julia
·       Many of you know Julia and I will be leaving in October in order to travel to Ghana, West Africa. 
·        Thank you for holding the rope and the privilege of sharing our heart for ministry.
This morning I would like to share our heart for missions from 1 Timothy 1:12-17.
          1 Timothy 1:12-17
          1 Timothy 1:12-17
Main Point: God loves sinners
                   God’s love for sinners saves
                   God’s love for sinners motivates
                   God’s love for sinners compels praise
Read: 1 Timothy 1:12-17
          12 I give thanks to Christ Jesus our Lord who has strengthened me, because He considered me faithful, appointing me to the ministry— 13 one who was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an arrogant man. But I received mercy because I acted out of ignorance in unbelief. 14 And the grace of our Lord overflowed, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.15 This saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” —and I am the worst of them. 16 But I received mercy for this reason, so that in me, the worst of them, Christ Jesus might demonstrate His extraordinary patience as an example to those who would believe in Him for eternal life. 17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only[a] God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
1) God’s love for sinners saves:
Paul shares his testimony in verses 12-15. You know the story, the Apostle Paul when he was an unbeliever was incredibly zealous and devoted to Judaism. He was so zealous that he hunted down and killed Christians. He was responsible for the deaths and persecutions of many, many Christians-truly a mass murderer. On his way to kill Christians in Damascus, it was there on that road, where the  risen Christ appeared to Him. Christ blinded His eyes! It was on this road where the man who thought he saw had to become blind in order to truly see. This was an encounter he never got over. And he would write in verse 15, “This saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners-and I am the worst of them.
God love for sinners saved Paul and God’s love for sinners saved me:
I grew up living for myself and living for the moment. After high school I became a fire-fighter, I continued to live recklessly and for myself. I would work hard in the fire departments, but on my days off I would cope with alcohol. I spent many nights passed out on bathroom floors. Through a series of deaths and bad accidents, I began to realize I wanted to help people on a larger scale. I approached my boss and asked him where I could go to learn how to help people, my boss said Liberty University. All I wanted to do in college was party, drink, and learn. When I arrived in August and learned Liberty students took their Christian faith seriously, I was furious. I hated everyone. Even though I hated everyone the Christians at Liberty loved me, through their love and self-less actions the walls around my heart came crumbling down. One night I struck up a conversation with a leader on my hall. He explained to me through the use of the law that I was a sinner. At the end of the conversation, I understood that I was guilty before a holy God and if God were to judge me by the Ten Commandments He would send me to Hell. He left that night without explaining the story of Jesus. He understood that I was not ready to hear the Good News and needed to spend the night thinking about the weight of my sin. I spent all night terrified before a Holy God. I knew if I were to die I would go to Hell and I did not know how to fix myself. The next morning a traveling evangelist came and spoke on the love of God found in Jesus Christ. Not finished with his sermon yet, and I knew that I wanted Christ. I had seen others going down to the altar and I thought that is what you had to do to be saved. Therefore, ¾ of the way into his talk I stood up and went down. In October, 2006, I was able to say with the Apostle Paul, “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners-and I am the worst of them.
1) God’s love for sinners saves.
2) God’s love for sinners motivates:
          (1:16) 16 But I received mercy for this reason, so that in me, the worst of them, Christ Jesus might demonstrate His extraordinary patience as an example to those who would believe in Him for eternal life. 

Paul never got over his salvation. Paul was motivated to be involved in missions because of God’s love extended to him (the chief of sinners). Paul’s reasoning was that if God saved the chief of sinners than he could save any one. Pastor John Piper writes, “God saved the chief of sinners to demonstrate that no-one is beyond the saving arm of Christ.” (REPEAT)  God’s love for sinners motivated Paul to be involved in three missionary journeys and in less than twenty years, he would be able to say that all of the known world had heard of Christ.

God’s love for sinners motivated Paul and God’s love for sinners motivates Julia and I. God’s love for sinners is the reason why Julia and I are putting our belongings into storage and traveling to Ghana, Africa. We will be moving to the Northern most part of Ghana and working in a Baptist Hospital. We will work with the chaplains at the hospital; engaging the patients in evangelism. I would like to direct your attention to the screen in order to watch a video which will provide a picture of where we will be working….
Our mission may be broken down into three points:
Engage, Advance, and Co-labor. We will engage the patients in evangelism, advance the Gospel in the villages, and co-labor with the Chaplains at the hospital.
Engage: (African Tribal Religions: Spirit and Ancestor Worship and Islam) most individuals who come to the hospital live in remote villages and have little to no access to the Gospel. There is only a 2% evangelical witness in Nalerigu. Men are typically the hardest to reach, however the hospital provides inroads. The doctors will engage the patients with their physical needs and we will engage the patients with their spiritual needs. The doctors will give a cup of cold water and we will share about Jesus who is the living water.
Advance: We will have an opportunity to advance the Gospel among the villages. As individuals in the hospital become believers or desire to learn more about Christ we will follow up with them in the villages. Our goal will be to disciple new believers, evangelize, and plant churches which plant churches.
Co-Labor: We will be working with a team of seven chaplains. Part of my job will include training the chaplains in the area of evangelism as well as discipleship. Julia will also have an opportunity to train and disciple Pastor wives.
1) God’s love for sinners saves
2) God’s love for sinners motivates
Finally, God’s love for sinners compels praise:
1:17: 17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only[a] God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
King: God’s sovereign right to rule. He is in complete control, nothing takes him by surprise. Great comfort as we prepare to go; lots of unknowns, however, God will not be surprised He knows it all.
Eternal, immortal: He has always existed. He is alive. He was the living God when the universe was created. He was the living God when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth. He was the living God when America was founded. He was the living God when each of us were born and He will be the living God ten trillion ages from now when this building has fallen apart, and all of us in this room are dead, He will still be alive!
Invisible: Spirit, Our words cannot fully explain Him. He is greater than us.
Only God: Jehovah, God of Christianity is greater than the demons found in ATR and the demon Allah found in Islam. The people of Nalerigu must be told about Christ because Allah is NOT worthy of their worship, NO Christ is the Only God worthy of their worship. The hundreds who follow ATR must be told that there is a God and He so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son and whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.
Honor and Glory: All individuals have been created to bring God glory. The problem is God’s glory is dishonored among the people of Nalerigu. Julia and I will leave behind everything in order to proclaim God’s glory among the people of Ghana, Africa. We go to proclaim…
A valuing of God above all that is valuable.
A loving of God above all that is lovely
A savoring of God above all that is sweet.
A prizing of God above all that is precious.
In conclusion, we must remember that God loves sinners. His love for sinners saves, His love for sinner motivates and His love for sinners compels worship. If you would like to partner with Julia and I there will be sheets in the back you may sign to receive an e-newsletter. Fill out your name and email address. If you do not have an email address fill in your home address and the church will print out the newsletter and mail it to you. We would love to talk with you more about our ministry in Ghana. We would love to answer your questions. (LUNCH.) (Thanks).

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