Wednesday, February 15, 2012

5 reasons to preach in the open air

Imagine surrounded by high rise buildings, cars zooming through intersections, and people swarming all around you. Imagine standing up in the midst of all the chaos, lifting your voice, and sharing the Gospel. Imagine the shock on individuals faces as they realize a "nut job" is preaching in their midst. Some speedily rush pass not bothering to give you a second glance, some mock and laugh at you, but others stop, listen, and occasionally engage with questions. Do you have an image in your head? If so, what you are picturing is open air preaching. Below are five reasons why I believe more men should open air preach...

5) Open Air preaching allows you an opportunity to be surrounded by individuals who do not know Christ.
If I am not careful I could go weeks maybe even months without interacting with someone who is not a Christian. Let me ask a question, how often are you around individuals who do not know Christ? Do you know your unsaved neighbors and/or co-workers? Sharing the Gospel in the open air provides an opportunity to interact with others from varying faiths, cultures, and world views. When I open air preach I am surrounded by Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists,  Hedonists, etc, all of whom need the Gospel, but most will never darken the doors of a church. Open Air preaching brings the Gospel to them and allows us to be surrounded by individuals who do not know Christ.

4) Open Air preaching helps to develop the discipline of evangelism.
I have met a lot of Christians who give "lip service" to evangelism but are too afraid to share their faith. Most Christians worry about what their neighbors, co-workers, and family will think of them. Christians fear not knowing the answer to a question or the awkwardness which will result after having a Gospel centered conversation. Open Air preaching, however, allows individuals to be surrounded by people they have never met and will never see again, therefore, if a question is asked and you don't know the answer, it is OK. If the conversation turns awkward just step down and move somewhere else. No need to be embarrassed you will never see them again! Open Air preachers learn to develop/strengthen the muscle of evangelism. Once the muscle is developed sharing the Gospel with neighbors, co-workers and family becomes a lot easier. Open Air preaching develops the discipline of turning everyday, ordinary conversations into spring boards to the Gospel.

3) Open Air preaching provides practice in apologetics.
Do you know how to explain the existence of God? Do you know why there is evil in the world? Do you know how to explain the reliability of the Bible? Do you know the difference between Christianity and other world religions? Open Preaching forces you to study apologetics and learn how to provide an answer for the hope which lies within. Trust me, it only takes one or two times of looking foolish when asked a particular question before you begin to study and develop an answer to questions.

2) Open Air preaching has biblical precedent.
Old Testament prophets often preached at the city gates because they were the busiest places in town. A man preaching at the gate would have an impact on and a direct outreach to such various areas such as: the business community, court decisions, soldiers, governments, etc. In the New Testament, John instructs us to move into the great commission towards the ends of the earth. Our job as open air preachers is to preach the gospel to ever creature in the world. Simple logic will show the best way to accomplish this is to find where the most people are in one place at one time, and proclaim the message, loud enough for all to hear. We must not forget, Isaiah, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Paul, and even Jesus were all open air preachers.

1) Open Air preaching is pure joy.
This last point maybe hard to believe but preaching in the open air is a blast of adrenaline and pure joy. I always leave my house dragging my feet not wanting to go but when I return I am leaping for joy. The adrenaline pumping through your veins as you stand up on a box surrounded by individuals and prepare to share the Gospel is addicting. I have run into burning buildings and not even that experience compares to the adrenaline I experience when preaching in the open air. It is pure joy to share your faith.

In conclusion, GO, grab a stool, find a street corner, and begin preaching!

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