Monday, September 19, 2011

Hold the Rope

Hold the Ropes: The Story of William Carey
by Chad Roberts 
1/04/2010 / Missions

William Carey was a shoemaker in England in the mid 1700's. Even though he was not a missionary, his heart broke for missions and the dying people of the world. He kept a map of the world on the wall in front of his work bench that as he made and repaired shoes, he would weep over the world and for the Gospel that could save the world!

In a meeting with the missionary society in London, the leaders asked, "Who will go down to the Heathen and take them the Gospel?"

Carey spoke up and said, "I will go...but you must hold the rope for me!"

Carey's wife just could not bring herself to move to India. They had 5 children and the youngest was a baby. As difficult as the decision was, Carey decided to take his oldest son and go to India hoping that his wife could join him soon. God moved in her heart and she decided to go.

Once they arrived after the 5 month voyage, life became difficult. Their baby died. Because the Hindu's would not touch a foreign infant that had died, William had to bury his dead baby with his own hands in the midst of such terrible grief.

For 7 years, William labored among the Hindu's before he saw his first convert. After all that time, he led a Hindu to Christ and that man went on to preach to his own people for over 20 years! Carey continued to labor in Bible translation.

After 40 years of labor, William Carey died with a legacy to world missions that few have ever matched. He is most known for his motto, "Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God!"

We call him the "Father of Modern Missions" and for centuries, he has influenced countless generations to forsake all for the glorious gospel. Although he saw very little fruit in the beginning of his ministry, before he died, he saw 212,000 copies of the Bible he had translated reach 300 million people in over 40 different Indian dialects.

Praise God for William Carey and for the struggles he overcame that not only India would know Christ, but that his influence for the Glory of God would remain with the Body of Christ for centuries!

Therefore, my encouragement to all you who know missionaries, to all those who meet missionaries that come speak in your churches..."Hold the Rope" for them! 

If you would like to "hold the rope" for Julia and I please send me a private message with your e-mail and I will add you to our prayer list. Thank you!

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