Sunday, May 29, 2016

Where Are The Soul Winners?

This past Sunday we had a Gideon (Do you know those Bibles in the hotels? Yea, they're placed there by Gideons). He shared a powerful video about the power of evangelism and than he talked a few minutes about the number of Bibles handed out and the lives impacted by the Gideons.

Did you know that every time your heart beats two Bibles are handed out by the Gideons?

After the service I went up to the Gideon to talk with him. We were making small talk and I was sharing with him about my Grandfather in law who used to be a Gideon and how much I appreciated their work. He stopped me in mid-sentence and said, "You know what keeps me going as a Gideon?" I politely smiled and said, "no." He looked at me with tears in his eyes and he said, "the reality of Hell keeps me going as a Gideon. I think of the torture of Hell and the reality that everyone who doesn't know Christ will go there when they die. I share my faith with witches, warlocks, atheists, agnostics and everyone I meet even though I am old because I can't get the thought of people going to Hell out of my mind. I think of how Hell has no hope and is eternal separation of God and I just want to tell everyone about Jesus Christ and his plan for salvation." He then looked at me, smiled, and concluded by saying, "I guess I am just an old fashioned soul winner. Not a whole lot of us anymore I reckon."

His concluding sentence has bounced around in my head all day. I can't help but asking myself, "where are the soul winners?" Where are the young men and young women daily opening their mouth and gossiping the Gospel?  Where are the pastors, church planters and missionaries sharing Jesus Christ with everyone they meet rather than holding up in an office for sixty hours a week? Where are the men and women sharing Jesus Christ?

I know a lot of young men and young women who are passionate about sex trafficking, eliminating poverty, homelessness, the environment, HB2, discipleship, theology, reformed theology, small groups, planting churches, the list could go on and on but I can count on one hand the number of young men and young women who are passionate about evangelism.

I frequent several blog sites including The Gospel Coalition, Desiring God and Acts 29 all of which are good and helpful but very rarely do I read a blog about evangelism and how to draw the net and challenge people to accept Jesus Christ.


Where are the evangelists? Where are the street preachers? Where are the young men and women who have the Gospel so burning in their soul that they have to open their mouth and proclaim Christ's Gospel? Where are the young men and women who understand that Hell is hot, eternity is long, and millions are on the road there and so we must beg and plead with people to turn from their sin and trust in Christ? Where are the soul winners? Statistically evangelism is at an all time low within the Southern Baptist Convention; maybe, it's time we stop trying to be cool, modern and relevant and return to the basics of soul winning.

Where are the young men and women who understand that Hell is hot, eternity is long, and millions are on the road there and so we must beg and plead with people to turn from their sin and trust in Christ? 

Luke 10:2, "And Jesus said to them, "The harvest is plentiful, the the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest."
Proverbs 11:30, "... whoever captures souls is wise."
Matthew 28:19, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..."
Acts 5:28, "...they filled Jerusalem with his teachings."

I am not sure how to end this blog, but to circle back and repeat myself....

Where are the evangelists? Where are the street preachers? Where are the young men and women who have the Gospel so burning in their soul that they have to open their mouth and proclaim Christ's Gospel? Where are the young men and women who understand that Hell is hot, eternity is long, and millions are on the road there and so we must beg and plead with people to turn from their sin and trust in Christ? Where are the soul winners?

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