Friday, February 26, 2016

Thoughts for Young Men & Women Preparing To Date:

Thoughts For Young Men Preparing For Dating:
1.      Don’t pursue girls, pursue Christ, then pursue a woman.
a.       I want to raise the bar for young men. Instead of going from girl to girl, pursue Christ. Focus on having a growing and vibrant relationship with your Savior. Find your identity in Christ alone. Guys pursue girls because of physical attraction. Instead, my challenge is to pursue Christ, and when you are ready, pursue a young woman who has been practicing something similar.
2.      Prepare Yourself For Dating By Pursuing The Marks Of Manhood:
a.       Know the Gospel
b.      Sacrificial Leadership.
                                                              i.      Leadership is sacrificial. It’s giving up yourself for those you are leading. Work towards that end.
c.       Hard Work
                                                              i.      Work hard in school. Work hard at being the best son and brother you can be. Work hard at being the best friend you can be. Work hard at your job. One day, you will be called to provide for your family. Will you do whatever you have to do to make that happen?
d.      Protecting Women and Children At All Costs:
                                                              i.      God has called men to lay down their lives, if necessary, for women and children. This is what is known as the mark of protection. Begin to see yourself as a protector of women-in all areas. This means you protect women not just physically, but also emotionally and sexually. This is a great and honorable task.
e.       Make Good Decisions For the Benefit of Others:
                                                              i.      Men must learn to become good decision makers. The opposite of a good decision-maker is someone who is passive. There is nothing worse than a passive-lazy man who refuses to do the hard work in making decisions. Become a confident decision-maker.
3.      Invite Other Dudes Into Your Life For WISDOM & ACCOUNTABILITY
a.       Don’t be a loan ranger. You will fail. Everyone needs to be accountable to someone.
4.      Pursue A Girl With Her Dad’s Approval
a.       If you really want to be counter-cultural, when you are ready to pursue a dating relationship, then ask her dad for permission. This will set you apart, and prepare the way for a smoother foreseeable future.

Thoughts For Young Ladies On Preparing For Dating:
1.      Don’t pursue boys, pursue Christ, and a man will one day pursue you.
a.       Instead of attempting to pursue boys, pursue Christ. Pursue Him. Chase after Him. Find your identity in Him alone. When you do this, one day a man who chases after Christ will pursue you-not the other way around. You don’t want to date someone who doesn’t have the guts to pursue you.
2.      Prepare Yourself For Dating By Pursuing the Marks of Womanhood:
a.       Know the Gospel
b.      Sacrificial Helper
                                                              i.      In Genesis 2:18 we see that God made woman as a helper for man. This does NOT mean women are lesser or weaker. Men and women are completely equal in dignity, value, and worth, but they are different in role and function. One way you can do this now is by seeking the welfare of others around you-your home, friends, neighbors, fellow church members, etc.
c.       Protector of True Beauty:
                                                              i.      Pursue mature womanhood by protecting what is true beauty. God made you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made by Him. Rest in that. Believe that. Preach that. Practice that. Protect that. Share this message with your friends.
3.      Invite Other Ladies Into Your Life for Wisdom & Accountability.
a.       Don’t be a loan ranger. One of the biggest lies you can believe is that you don’t need other people in your life. This is not Christianity. God created you to be in relationships with other people. God also created us to be mentored and disciples by others.
4.      Be Vocal About Who You Are In Christ When A Man Pursues You
a.       Before anything else, you are a daughter of the King. Be proud of that truth. Shout it from the mountaintops. Wear it on your sleeves. You are first and foremost a follower of the King of the universe.
5.      Allow Your Dad (Or Christian Community) To Be Your Leader, Provider, And Protector Until The Day You Get Married

a.       Until you are walked down the isle, your dad is your authority. If your dad isn’t in your life, then the Christian community is your authority-other healthy male and female figures in your life. Don’t believe the lie that you don’t need anyone speaking into your life. Furthermore, don’t believe the lie that it’s none of your dad’s business to be involved in your relationships. It’s more than his business. It’s his calling. Dads will stand before the King one day and give an account of how they shepherded and protected their daughters. Work together towards that end.

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